Moon & Stars

Fated Mates of the Apocalypse

A Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Romance Series

One day aliens invaded earth. There was no first contact, no diplomacy, just war. With the earth's ​back against a wall, the government decided to fight back with scorched earth tactics. So in the ​middle of running for their lives from big, blue, scary aliens, humans were bombed by their own ​military. I guess you could say it work, the alien ships left. Now there is not much left behind but ​small camps of survivors trying to rebuild after the collapse. What happens when they find that ​some of the aliens didn’t make it off of earth when their ships left? What about when they learn ​these big blue guys aren’t that scary and have a traumatizing history of their own? And what will ​happen when alien lines start appearing on the human’s arms, lines that mean they are star-tied, ​fated mates of the aliens that invaded their world.

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Learn How the Apocalypse Started

with the free Prequel Story

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Book One

His to Find


It’s been almost two years since the collapse—two years since the aliens ​invaded, dropped bombs and thrust the Earth into an apocalypse. Those of ​us trying to survive have banded together at the barracks, slowly working to ​stay safe and rebuild. When three of our people go missing, I am sent out as ​a rescue party. The last thing I expected to find was an alien; the last thing I ​thought I’d do was kiss one. Now, we are working together to find my ​missing people. Can I focus on the mission and not the hot alien? I honestly ​don’t know.


The Vonti took me as a child, trained me as a soldier, and sent me on many ​missions. All I have ever wanted is to find my way home. When we were ​abandoned on a failed mission and left on the armpit of a planet, I lost all ​hope. But when a little human kisses me, I find that hope returned. Now, I ​must help her rescue her people from a Vonti camp and figure out what to ​do about my growing attachment to her.

Content Warnings:

Explicit Sex, Violence, Abduction, PTSD/Nightmare's Strained Family ​Relationships (mother/daughter), off page Forced Labor/Soldiers

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Book Two

His to Protect


After aliens invaded earth and bombs destroyed everything we had, life ​became about survival for everyone. For me it was about survival long before ​that and the collapse has offered me an escape from my past. Now my past ​has found me again and I no longer know if I will survive. Can I escape my ​past and can I trust this massive alien who is promising to help me?


I never thought I would find my star-tied mate but there is she, beautiful, ​brave, and completely unaware of the mate tie. It is my duty and my honor ​to protect and care for her even if she may never feel about me the way I do ​her. The closer we get though the harder it is for me to hold back.

Content Warnings:

Explicit Sex, Violence, Gaslighting (not by MC), Panic Attacks, Anxiety, ​Chronic Wound, Abduction, Lack of Resources.

Off page: Domestic Violence, Trafficking, Bombing, Pregnancy and Birth.

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Book Three

His to Want


When the bombing started I was one of the first to step up and try to help. I ​thought as a firefighter not only would I know what to do but it was my ​responsibility to help. It's been years since the collapse though and now I ​find myself the leader of over a hundred survivors and it's not that easy. I am ​tired, burnt out, and frankly a little lonely. Entire Cy, a gorgeous alien and, ​after a one-night stand, I find out my star-tied mate. Only he doesn't seem ​to want to be mates, he seems perfectly happy just being a jerk.


I've come to realize nothing in my life will ever be simple or easy, why ​should finding my star-tied mate be different. Derrick is perfect in so many ​ways but he and his human barracks are everything I have been running ​from. I don't trust the humans and I have spent too many years following ​someone else's orders to get locked away in another camp. I can't seem to ​leave Derrick alone though, even if I know this will never work.

Content Warnings:

Explicit Sex, Violence, Panic Attacks, Lack of Resources, Child ​Endangerment, Zenophobia.


Trafficking, Bombing, Neglectful Parent/Child Relationship.

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Book Four

His to Keep


I have seen the universe in all its splendor and horror. Taken from my home ​as an infant I have fought my whole life as a gladiator and soldier. I've never ​had anything to call my own, not a home, not a family and I've never wanted ​it until she walked into my cell.


It's not easy being a middle-aged woman in the apocalypse. I thought I was ​finally getting a handle on things, and finding my footing again. Then I was ​captured by aliens, held in a cage, and forced into a breeding program. ​That's not what I can't handle though. What I can't handle is Zade, and how ​he makes me feel.

Content Warnings:

Explicit Sex, Violence, PTSD, OCD, Panic Attacks, Lack of Resources, ​Imprisonment, Forced Breeding, Impact Play, Sub/Dom


Trafficking, Bombing, Neglectful Parent/Child Relationship.

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Book Five

Hers to Find


A lot has happened in Isha's life that has led her to this place. What place is ​that? A desolate, bombed-out planet, light years from home. Life might be a ​struggle but she has her brother, her friends, and her work as a doctor to ​keep her going. The last thing she expected to have to deal with was an ex-​girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend who was supposed to be on the other side of the ​galaxy.


One bad choice cost Khara her mate. She has spent the last ten years trying ​to find redemption for not just her bad decision but those of her family for ​generations. She never gave up hope of finding Isha again and when she does ​she is willing to lay everything she is at her mate's feet. She won't make the ​wrong choice again, if she can just convince Isha to give her a second chance.

Content Warnings:

Explicit Sex, Parental Trauma, Corrupt Government,


Trafficking, Bombing, Pregnancy

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